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Get #GorgeousLips with Restylane® Silk!

Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Restylane® Silk. However, the thoughts and opinions are my own.lips 2

Last month, I attended a press event where Restylane Silk was a sponsor and I received a complimentary session.

I have been known for always wearing a bright lipstick, but as I became older my top lip seemed to lose the plumpness and over lining became tedious. I was confused since I’m only in my thirties to why this was happening but I learned that many women experience thinning of the lips, and wrinkles above the lip area as we become older. My biggest concern was my top lip since my bottom lip still was very plump and made my top lip look even thinner. I wanted my top lip to look naturally plumed and not have that “lip injection look”.

Restylane® Silk is a smooth, transparent hyaluronic acid (HA) gel that can be injected into the lips or into the area around the mouth to restore natural-looking youthful definition, symmetry, and smooth wrinkles. Restylane® Silk gave me the subtle look I was looking for without having the “duck face” look. I am very happy with the results. As with any other HA gel that is injected into the lips, the most common are swelling, tenderness, bruising, pain and redness at the injection site. For additional side effects, including important safety information, please visit:

What is Restylane® Silk?

Restylane® Silk is the first and only FDA-approved product exclusively designed for lip enhancement and the treatment of lines and wrinkles around the mouth.
Restylane® Silk is a smooth, transparent hyaluronic acid (HA) gel that can be injected into the lips or the area around the mouth to restore natural-looking youthful definition, symmetry, and smooth wrinkles.
The Aging Lower Face
Similar to other areas of the face, the lips and area surrounding the mouth also show signs of aging as an individual gets older. This often results in lip thinning, lost shape, and/or an increase in vertical lines above the lip.lips3

With age, fat and collagen begin to deteriorate in the face, leading to thinner skin and more noticeable lines and wrinkles.
Lip shape, fullness, and definition are based on a variety of factors, including genetics. Other external factors, such as sun exposure, smoking, and excessive pursing of the mouth, can result in lines around the mouth and cause the lips to thin and lose definition.
Aging lips can also result in the flattening of the “v” shaped area of the upper lip (“Cupid’s Bow”) and the downward turn of the corners of the mouth.lips4

The Ideal Restylane® Silk Patient
Restylane® Silk is designed for individuals looking to address the signs of aging around their lips and mouth with a subtle, natural-looking enhancement.

How is Restylane® Silk Administered?
Restylane® Silk is administered by a physician or qualified healthcare professional. The product is injected into a patient’s lip and/or lines around the mouth one or two sessions as needed, and the process typically takes less than one hour.
Restylane® Silk is injected via an ultrafine needle that is designed to enhance precision and minimize patient discomfort.
Expected Results
In a clinical study, the results of Restylane® Silk lasted approximately 6 months.
In a clinical study, patients treated with Restylane® Silk reported fast-acting, long-lasting results:
98% of patients reported a visible improvement in lip fullness 14 days after injection.
76% of patients still had lip improvement six months following injection.
What signs of aging are you fighting? What are your secrets? Why would you consider procedues such as Restylane® Silk?

Important Safety Information
Indications: The Restylane family of products includes Restylane®, Restylane-L®, Restylane® Silk, Restylane® Lyft with Lidocaine, and Perlane®. Restylane, Restylane-L, Restylane Lyft with Lidocaine, and Perlane are indicated for the correction of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds, such as nasolabial folds. Restylane and Restylane-L are indicated for mid-to-deep dermal implantation. Perlane and Restylane Lyft with Lidocaine are indicated for implantation into the deep dermis to superficial subcutis. Restylane Silk is indicated for submucosal implantation for lip augmentation and dermal implantation for correction of perioral rhytids in patients over the age of 21. Restylane Lyft with Lidocaine is also indicated for cheek augmentation and for the correction of age-related midface contour deficiencies in patients over the age of 21. Restylane and Restylane-L are also indicated for submucosal implantation for lip augmentation in patients over the age of 21.

Products in the Restylane family contain traces of gram-positive bacterial protein and are contraindicated for patients with allergies to such material or in patients with severe allergies that have required in-hospital treatment. These products should not be used by patients with bleeding disorders or by pregnant or breastfeeding women. Restylane and Restylane-L for lip enhancement and Restylane Silk should not be used by people under 22 years. Restylane-L, Restylane Silk and Restylane Lyft with Lidocaine should not be used by anyone with a known allergy to lidocaine. Products should not be injected anywhere except the dermis, superficial subcutis (Perlane and Restylane Lyft with Lidocaine only), or lip submucosa (Restylane, Restylane-L, and Restylane Silk only).

Use of products in the Restylane family at the site of skin sores, pimples, rashes, hives, cysts, or infection should be postponed until healing is complete. The most commonly observed side effects are swelling, redness, pain, bruising, headache, tenderness, and itching at the injection site. These are typically mild in severity and typically resolve in less than 7 days. Serious but rare side effects include delayed onset infections, recurrence of herpetic eruptions, and superficial necrosis at the injection site. Do not implant into blood vessels. Use with caution in patients recently treated with anticoagulant or platelet inhibitors to avoid bleeding and bruising.

The Restylane family of products is available only through a licensed practitioner. Complete Instructions for Use for Restylane, Restylane-L, Restylane Silk, and Perlane are available at www. Complete Instructions for Use for Restylane® Lyft with Lidocaine is available at

